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What is a Summary Appraisal Report?

Martens Appraisal summary appraisal reports contain a moderate amount of detail and can have one, two, or three approaches to value, depending on the situation of the property and use of the appraisal. They contain more information than a Restricted Use Report,  but less information thank a Self-Contained Report. 

A summary appraisal report is a “complete” appraisal.

The majority of our non-lender clients prefer this report type because it offers a good balance of price and report detail.

Summary appraisal reports are quicker to read, quicker to produce, and have a lower cost.

Martens Appraisal summary appraisal reports are still very detailed compared to appraisal reports produced by most other companies.

This report type can be appropriate for most situations and uses.

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