Martens Companies NAI Martens 

We know office space. And we can help you.

In need of an office space better suited to your business? NAI Martens is here; whether it be upgrading, downsizing or just in the market for a different location. We recognize each office assignment is of critical importance, whether for a first-time tenant or experienced landlord. It is vital that we cover each aspect of your transaction in detail, and that your dedicated leasing and management team have the capability to handle your other real estate needs as they arise. We live and breathe the day-to-day happenings of landlords, tenants,…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

4 Things to Look for When Shopping for an Office Space to Lease

Finding office space to lease, especially in the city, can be trickier than you would think. CRE is an entirely different beast from residential real estate or even residential rentals, coming with its own set of rules, questions to ask, and more. This big step for your business can quickly turn from exciting to stressful — if you don’t know what to look for or the right questions to ask. Wondering what to look for when shopping for an office space lease? Read on to learn more… 1) A space…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

5 Reasons Why Pop-Ups Are Super Trendy Right Now

“Here today, gone tomorrow”… this expression typically elicits feelings of nostalgia and a bit of sadness. However, when talking about the exciting new(ish) trend of pop-up shops, the expression generates buzz and excitement. For up and coming brands, in particular, setting up shop for a shorter period of time, rather than committing to a traditional, long term lease is an excellent wait to build brand awareness and acquire new customers. While pop-up stores have been a popular avenue for retailers seeking to eschew the traditional brick and mortar store, the…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

Led by Aerospace, Wichita’s Industrial Market Shows No Signs of Slowing Down

This article appeared in the May issue of Heartland Real Estate Business. You can view the whole issue here: May 2018 – Heartland RE Business The industrial sector remains the prime beneficiary of the  numerous technological shifts occurring throughout the economy. E-commerce continues to fuel demand for distribution and  warehouse  space  in the national industrial sector. The Wichita market remains focused on the aerospace cluster, advanced manufacturing and the growing advanced materials sector to sustain and grow the industrial segment. The current supply pipeline is to remain about the same…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

4 Ways Amenities Have Changed the Office Landscape

While one-size-fits-all office spaces have ruled the landscape in the past, the trend is shifting away from cookie cutter and moving toward a different kind of workspace with unique amenities. These amenities represent a much more flexible and activity-based design approach to the workplace which, when incorporated, can both attract and retain employees — an obvious benefit to employers. It’s no secret that “location, location, location” applies to commercial real estate as much, if not more than, residential real estate. But a good location and fun coworkers simply isn’t enough…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

First Quarter Multifamily Market Update

NAI Martens is pleased to present our First Quarter Multifamily Market Update. Our multifamily team of Jeff Englert and Nathan Farha, CCIM had a great first quarter, with $35 million in multifamily property sold or under contract. Englert and Farha have compiled a brief update to talk about the trends the multifamily market has seen so far in 2018. First Quarter Multifamily Market Update Q1-2018 Multifamily Market Update   Trouble viewing? Click here

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

4 CRE Trends We Can Attribute to Millenials

Today’s workforce is undergoing a major shift in population. As of 2017, 56 million Millennials are either working or actively searching for work, making them the largest segment of the U.S. labor force, surpassing Gen Xers in 2016. More than one out of every three American workers is a Millennial — more than Gen Xers and much more than Baby Boomers. And, just as every other generation that came before them, Millennials pride themselves on marching to the beat of their own drum, if you will — wearing different clothes,…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

NAI Martens May 2018 Property Inventory

NAI Martens May 2018 Property Inventory Report Now Available NAI Martens, a member of the world’s premier managed network of commercial real estate firms, is pleased to provide the May 2018 property inventory report. With our easy to use property search tool you can locate the perfect office, retail, industrial, land, multi-family, special-purpose, medical, or other properties throughout Kansas.  Do not see what you are looking for? No problem! We have a team of commercial real estate professionals ready to assist you in leasing, selling, buying, investment, or property management. May 2018 PROPERTY INVENTORY REPORT: MAY  2018 FOR LEASE/FOR SALE    …

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

NAI Global Offices Uniting to Pay it Forward

In March, NAI Global announced a new philanthropic initiative, Paying it Forward, aimed at giving back to many causes throughout the year.  Each month NAI Global will be releasing a new cause to contribute to giving the opportunity to all NAI Offices to participate. Some will be simple acts of kindness and some will be opportunities to support organizations with donations. For the inaugural March campaign, NAI Global and its offices collected cards to send to the children at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. NAI Offices collected and sent over 300…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

Q1 2018 Market Update – Wichita, KS

NAI Martens presents the Q1 2018 Market Update. Inside you will find market trends and statistics for local commercial real estate during the first quarter! Q1 2018 Market Update   Having trouble viewing? Click here ABOUT NAI MARTENS NAI Martens is the largest full-service commercial real estate firm in Kansas. Founded in 1948 and headquartered in Wichita, NAI Martens provides a vast array of commercial real estate services throughout south-central Kansas and Topeka. NAI Martens is led by CEO Steve Martens, CCIM, CPM, SIOR and President Tom Johnson, CRE – two…

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