Martens Companies NAI Martens 

Monday’s with Martens 2.5.18

  Over the past few years, NAI Martens’ team of Jeff Englert and Nathan Farha have emerged as leaders in the Wichita, Kansas multifamily investment arena. Working on deals ranging from four-plexes to portfolios in excess of 600 units, they have worked with a number of first time investors. From those experiences they have developed a list of five things every new investor should know before getting started with multifamily properties. Don’t confuse where you would live personally with where you should invest in apartments. It’s not about what feels comfortable…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

This week in Wichita Commercial Real Estate 2.2.18

Wichita Commercial Real Estate News This week’s top Wichita commercial real estate news NAI Martens assists Aldi in expanding Wichita location Aldi Inc. is expanding its store in northwest Wichita, according to a news release…Wichita Business Journal Hive co-working space to be geared to supporting business women Last fall, when Andrea Stang became a full-time freelance writer, she says she couldn’t find a co-working space she liked…Wichita Eagle More Wichita Real Estate News Percentage of Wichita residents who rent skyrockets, study says One consignment shop has found a new owner, but another…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

What’s Coming 2018: Restaurants

In previous posts about development in Wichita, we looked at the attractions and events as well as business and development projects coming to Wichita in 2018.  Today we will take a look at a few of the restaurants and bars coming in 2018. Please keep in mind that restaurants don’t always open on time and that this is only a partial list, by mid-year we will need to do a new post! Reverie Coffee Roasters and Founder’s Bakery Located at 2202 E. Douglas Ave. Wichita, Kansas and led by Chef Stephanie Hand from  Reverie…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

Press Release: NAI Martens brokers 15-year lease agreement with Aldi

WICHITA, KS – January 31, 2018– NAI Martens announced Wednesday that it brokered a 15-year lease agreement between the owners of Sweetbriar Shopping Center and Aldi. John O’Rourke and Nathan Farha represented the Sweetbriar ownership in the transaction. Aldi is already a tenant in the center, located at 2263 N. Amidon Ave., but will now expand into an additional 5,224 square feet. The global discount supermarket chain will now occupy 19,867 square feet. This added space will allow Aldi to offer its newest store concept. “Everyone seems very happy with…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

Monday’s with Martens 1.29.18

Previously, we shared some of the big picture drivers for CRE in 2018. In this, and future articles, we’ll look at trends specifically related to the primary market sectors. This week we’ll look at retail and the shopping experience. It has undergone massive changes over the past two decades, especially as e-commerce has won over consumers and smartphones have become the must-have accessory. These days, retailers work around the clock to navigate a digital world that continues to evolve at a dizzying pace, while tech-savvy consumers have increased their demands…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

This week in Wichita commercial real estate 1.26.18

Wichita Commercial Real Estate News This week’s top Wichita commercial real estate news Developer: Let’s spend $1 billion on Wichita’s downtown in next 10 years Downtown development advocates such as Jeff Fluhr have talked lately about Wichita being in the midst of a transformative moment…Wichita Business Journal Laham: ‘Several parties’ have shown interest in empty Gander Mountain space A Wichita developer says the time to “fix” the WaterWalk development is now…Wichita Business Journal   More Wichita Real Estate News New downtown brewpub/restaurant on track for spring opening  UPDATE: Fitness chain details plans…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

What’s coming in 2018: Business/Development Projects

In an earlier post, we looked at some of the major attractions and events coming to Wichita, Kansas in 2018.  In today’s post, we will look at some of the major commercial real estate development projects which will be completed or will get underway in 2018. West Bank of the Arkansas River In the past couple of years, at least $137.5 million in projects have been announced for the Delano area along the Arkansas River. As larger developments continue to expand closer to the edges of the city, such as…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

Fed Beige Book: Commercial Real Estate Activity Continues to Experience Slight Growth

Overall Economic Activity Reports from the 12 Federal Reserve Districts indicated that the economy continued to expand from late November through the end of the year, with 11 Districts reporting modest to moderate gains and Dallas recording a robust increase. The outlook for 2018 remains optimistic for a majority of contacts across the country. Most Districts reported that non-auto retail sales expanded since the last report and that auto sales were mixed. Some retailers highlighted that holiday sales were higher than expected. Residential real estate activity remained constrained across the…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

3 big changes expected in the retail 2018 landscape

Experts predict that next year, online retail sales will almost reach $3 trillion. Predictions for brick-and-mortar retail have been dwindling over the last decade but expect big changes to reverse that trend as well. What will the retail 2018 landscape look like? Here’s what you can expect. Expect More Direct Targeted Outreach to Customers The IoT and mobile technology will likely only get broader as we move through 2018. These technologies are going to make lead generation much easier for retailers; automating more big data analysis to improve warehousing and distribution…

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Martens Companies NAI Martens 

This week in Wichita commercial real estate 1.19.18

Wichita Commercial Real Estate News This week’s top Wichita commercial real estate news Hampton Inn Opens in NW Wichita An 88-room Hampton Inn is now open in northwest Wichita…Wichita Business Journal Fitness chain entering Wichita market Wichitans will have another health and fitness facility option with the addition of a new player in the market…Wichita Business Journal Garvey Center gets top branding with new sign For the first time, the Garvey Center is getting a sign atop the largest building in its five-building complex…Wichita Eagle City hopes developers have interest in old downtown firehouse…

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